When will City Car Driving 2 be released?

The simulation game City Car Driving 2.0, which elaborates on driving a car down to the most detailed aspects, will be available in September 2024. The first game, released in 2016, made quite a name for itself among players. After version, the company announced the development of a new game, City Car Driving 2.0, in line with its decision. The official release date of the game was set for September 2024. Considering the changing technology and advancements, I believe that City Car Driving 2.0 will satisfy players both visually and in terms of gameplay.

However, I believe the primary goal will remain to assist those who are considering getting a driver’s license and want to experience driving a car through simulation. Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that maneuvering a car through city traffic in a simulation that is almost indistinguishable from reality will still provide players with enjoyment. We can share details as they become available. If you’re still playing City Car Driving, you can continue playing the game by downloading mods for now.

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